Retribution, Revenge, Justice
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Titanomachies (ca. 1500-1450 BCE)
Divine Retribution (ca. 1235-1170 BCE)
Friday, July 24, 2020
Catharsis Amidst Chaos
Anne chanted with the crowd, “ No justice no peace! ” using her banshee magic to amplify the voices of the men and women around her. She d...
Thursday, March 19, 2020
2.12: The First Mission
Location: Attica Time Remaining: 15 years Athena stood on a rise overlooking Piraeus and Moschato, which sat on either side of the mout...
2.11: The Gift of Athena
Location: Attica, Eastern Coast Time Remaining: 16 Years Nemesis carried the body away from the farmlands - she didn't want the wi...
2.10: The Goddess of Rhamnous
Location: Attica, Eastern Coast Time Remaining: 16 Years Nemesis had gone to Tartarus partly hoping that the masters of the underworl...
2.09: The Kindness of Persephone
Location: The Fifth Gate of Tartarus Time Remaining: 25 Years It was the virtue of compassion that had betrayed Nemesis in the end; Z...
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